(c) 2017 by Barton Paul Levenson
SSE AIC = 2 k + N ln (———) N
where k is the number of parameters in the model, SSE is the sum of squared errors (e.g. from a regression or analysis of variance), and N the number of points. Minimize AIC to find the correct lag length.
Note: Many researchers feel the AIC is too generous, keeping variables which should really be excluded. It is better to use the "corrected AIC" AICc:
SSE N + k ln(———) + ————— N N - k - 2
SSE SIC = p ln N - 2 ln (———) N
This one is complicated. You have to run three different regressions:
Δyt = γ yt-1 + δ1 Δyt-1 ... + δp Δyt-p + εt Δyt = α + γ yt-1 + δ1 Δyt-1 ... + δp Δyt-p + εt Δyt = α + β t + γ yt-1 + δ1 Δyt-1 ... + δp Δyt-p + εt
The dependent variable here is the change in your original variable with time:
Δyt = yt - yt-1
And you're regressing it, first, on the previous value of Y, without an intercept. To do a linear regression with no intercept, one "forced through the origin," you use a column of 0s in your X matrix instead of 1s.
Then you do the regression with an intercept, known in this test as a "drift term," then with an intercept and a time term, known in this test as a "trend term."
What makes it an "Augmented" Dickey-Fuller test, as opposed to just a Dickey-Fuller test, is the presence of the past values of your dependent variable:
δ1 Δyt-1 ... + δp Δyt-p
Here p is the appropriate lag, determined by an information criterion such as the SBIC, or one of many other possible arcane methods.
The t-statistics of interest are those on the lagged original-variable term, yt-1. The t statistic for the coefficient, γ, is called τNC for the first regression, τC for the second, and τCT for the third. The subscripts stand for "No Constant," "Constant," and "Constant plus Trend," respectively.
Unfortunately, these τ ("tau") statistics are not like normal t statistics. You have to get them from special tables, which are hard to find on-line but can be found in some statistics textbooks. Statistics packages which do the ADF tests automatically will calculate the p values for you. The R-language-based freeware package Gretl is an especially good one.
If at least one of the p values from these regressions is very small, your time series is not integrated; i.e., is I(0), or stationary. If none of them are, it's integrated. Repeat the ADF test with the next level of differencing to see it it's merely I(1). And so on.
This test is in two parts.
If we
A) can't reject unit roots for the variables, but
B) can reject them for the residuals of the cointegrating regression,
Then a "cointegrating relationship" exists, and your cointegrating regression is valid.
The Sims Test (Granger 1969, Sims 1972):
First, regress Y on both lagged Y and lagged (not current) X:
p p Y = Σ bi Yt-i + Σ ci Xt-i + ut i=1 i=1 H0: ci = 0
Then on lagged Y alone:
p Y = Σ bi Yt-i + et i=1 H0: bi = 0
Compute SSE for each:
T SSEXandY = Σ ut2 t=1 T SSEXonly = Σ et2 t=1
Finally, compute this statistic:
(SSEXonly - SSEXandY) / p S = —————————————— SSEXandY / (T - 2p - 1)
for Fp,T-2p-1.
To avoid asymptotic effects,
T (SSEXonly - SSEXandY) S2 = ————————————— SSEXandY
for Χ(p).
Note: This test is very sensitive to choice of lag length and stationarity issues.
Page created: | 04/12/2017 |
Last modified: | 04/13/2017 |
Author: | BPL |