(c) 2017 by Barton Paul Levenson
Suppose you had a homework assignment to find the area of ten circles. To write a program to do that, you could do the straightforward thing and repeat the same lines of code ten times.
Or you could use a loop. A "do loop" runs the same sequence of code a given number of times. Here's the circle program using a do loop:
! Program to find areas of several circles. program circles implicit none integer, parameter :: d = selected_real_kind(p = 15) real(d), parameter :: pi = 3.141592653589793d0 real(d) :: area, radius ! Of the circle. integer :: i ! Loop counter. integer :: N ! Number of circles. character(80) :: units ! Linear units used. write (*, 5) 5 format('How many circles are there? =>', $) read (*, *) N do i = 1, N write (*, 10) 10 format(//'What radius is the circle? =>', $) read (*, *) radius write (*, 20) 20 format('What units is that in? =>', $) read (*, *) units area = pi * Radius ** 2 write (*, 30) area, trim(units) 30 format('The area is ', f10.5, ' square ', a, '.') end do end program circles
Note the convention of indenting the body of a loop to make it stand out from the rest of the program. Note also that the do loop uses an "index variable" or "loop counter," here called i. This i is first set to 1, the loop runs, then i is set to 2, and so on until it reaches N, at which point the loop runs one last time and quits.
The slashes ( / ) inside format 10 produce blank lines. They are equivalent to a "newline character" in C, C++ or Java.
The syntax of this "iterated do loop" is:
do <counter> = start, end, increment statement(s) end do
The counter variable must be an integer, as must the start, end and increment values. The increment can be positive or negative. If left out, the default value is 1.
But suppose you didn't know in advance how many problems there were? Suppose computing circle areas was something you needed for your job, or for research you were doing, and the number of circles was too large to count easily? Then you could use a "simple do loop," which just cycles endlessly, until the user does something to stop it. Here's an example
write(*, *) 'Enter radii until you run out of problems.' write(*, *) 'Then enter a negative number to stop the loop.' do write (*, 10) 10 format(//, 'What radius is the circle? =>', $) read (*, *) radius if (radius <= 0d0) exit write (*, 20) 20 format('What units is that in? =>', $) read (*, *) units area = pi * radius ** 2 write (*, 30) area, trim(units) 30 format('The area is ', f10.5, ' square ', a, '.') end do
The line starting with the word if is, appropriately enough, an if-structure. The format is:
if (logical condition) statement
where "logical condition" is some construction that is either true or false. Ours tests whether the value of radius is positive or not; if not, we leave the loop with the exit command.
The Fortran logical comparison operators are:
operator | alternative operator | meaning |
> | .gt. | greater than |
< | .lt. | less than |
>= | .ge. | greater than or equal to |
<= | .le. | less than or equal to |
== | .eq. | equals |
/= | .ne. | does not equal |
Look carefully at that "==" for the logical equality operator. Make sure you distinguish it from the "=" used in assignment statements--because an assignment statement can sometimes be treated as if it produced a logical value! This can be a very subtle and difficult logic bug to track down. The equals sign ( = ) is for assignment. The equality sign ( == ) is for logical comparison. Strive mightily not to confuse them.
For more complex logical expressions, the operators .and., .or, and .not. are also available. And you can change precedence with parentheses.
Look again at the if structure in the last example of a loop. This "simple if structure" executes a statement if, and only if, the logical expression in parentheses evaluates to "true." To accommodate more than two alternatives, there also exists a "block if structure." In this, alternatives can be executed using the keywords elseif and else. Here's a short example program:
! fruit tests the "block if structure" in Fortran 95. program fruit character(20) :: color ! Color of a fruit. write(*, *) 'What color?' read (*, *) color if (trim(color) == 'red') then write(*, *) 'Strawberry!' else if (trim(color) == 'yellow') then write(*, *) 'Banana!' else write(*, *) 'Some other fruit!' end if end program fruit
Any number of else if clauses can be used, including none. The else clause is also optional. And, as opposed to the simple if structure, you can use if-end if to sandwich in any number of statements to run if the condition is true:
if (trim(situation) == 'meltdown') then write(*, *) 'Core melting down!' call planeTicketPurchase call moveFunds('Bank of America', 'Swiss Bank') end if
If you have many alternatives, a compact way to set them up uses the case statement. This involves setting up a variable, the "selector," to choose among alternatives:
integer :: class select case (class) case (1) write(*,*) 'Freshman' case (2) write(*,*) 'Sophomore' case (3) write(*,*) 'Junior' case (4) write(*,*) 'Senior' case default write(*,*) 'Never heard of that before.' end select
Selectors can be nearly any type, including character string. case values must be constants, but they can include ranges or multiple values:
case (5:10) case (1, 3, 5, 7, 9)
Page created: | 05/05/2017 |
Last modified: | 05/05/2017 |
Author: | BPL |