Robert Holmes Calls Me a Pedophile

(c) 2023 by Barton Paul Levenson

Well, apparently my complete demolition of his idiot climate science paper (here) really got under Robert Ian Holmes's skin, because he went hunting on the internet for ways to defame me (as in libel, as in legally actionable). And he found my video. Not being very smart, and having no chemical trace of a sense of humor, he concluded from a couple of cherry-picked panels that I was a pedophile, no dobut with a long string of unsolved crimes behind me.

Why? Because the video is a parody of several well-known anime. I introduce two teen girl characters with inappropriately sexual self-descriptions (I'll tell you why in a minute). The first such character was "Sex Kitten," her superpower being seducing people. Now why would I do something so inappropriate?

Because she's based on Kurono Kurumu from the anime version of Rosario to Banpaia, who is... wait for it... a SUCCUBUS. Got that? She is an example of the medieval myth of a sex demon. The male equivalent is the incubus.

The other character in question is the witch "Wendy Kawaii," who breathlessly describes her magical powers, then adding, "and in addition to that, I'm also a prepubescent bisexual sex-fiend!" Inappropriate, right?

Wendy is based on Sendo Yukari, again from "Rosario to Banpaia." Yukari is shown as having strong sexual crushes on two other different characters, one female and one male. The show goes so far as to illustrate one of her fantasies, her embracing the girl in question, both of them naked.

So what was I trying to say in my video? Was I endorsing pedophilia? Or maybe--just maybe--I was pointing out that a lot of anime attribute inappropriate sexual traits to underage girls. In other words, I was condemning what Holmes thought I was endorsing. You know, something which is very well known to both critics and fans of the medium? (And if you think Rosario and Vampire is bad, try Dance in the Vampire Bund, which even some of its fans refer to as "pedo-bait").

Of course, to figure that out, you would need two things: Some familiarity with anime, and some acquaintance with the idea of "parody."

Larry Niven once said something along the lines of, "We writers have a technical term for people who think a character speaks for the author. We call them 'idiots'."

I still haven't figure out what legal action I'm going to take, if any. Just thought I'd bring everybody up to date on the topic.

P.S. Holmes tries to indict me further by pointing out that one of my novels includes "another fourteen-year-old girl". Zounds! Of course, Kurono is 16 and Yukari 13, as are my parody versions of them, but ignore that; they're all teenagers. Now, let's examine all my published novels and see who the protagonist is:

  1. Ella the Vampire -- adult woman
  2. Parole -- adult man
  3. Max and Me -- adult man
  4. I Will -- adult man
  5. Year of the Human -- teenage girl
  6. The Celibate Succubus -- teenage girl
  7. Dark Gods of Alter Telluria -- adult man
  8. Recovering Gretel -- adult man
  9. Another Century -- adult man

How about that! 67% of my novels have adult males for the central character, 11% have adult females, and 22% have teenage females. Why teenage? Uh, because they're young adult novels? The pedophilia! The pedophilia! Oh, the humanity!

Page created:12/06/2023
Last modified:  12/06/2023