Set Console Text Cursor Position in SilverFrost F95

(c) 2013 by Barton Paul Levenson


SilverFrost F95, Personal Edition

SilverFrost F95 PE is about the best free Fortran compiler you can find on the internet. It comes with its own IDE and is a powerful and effective programming language. Unfortunately, although geared mostly to producing console apps, it has no native routines for clearing the screen or setting the text cursor position. I therefore wrote a routine for the latter which works by calling the Windows API SetConsoleCursorPosition routine.

! Locate does the Windows-API-related work of moving the text cursor.
Subroutine Locate(Row, Col)
    integer :: Row			! On screen, 0-24.
    integer :: Col			! On screen, 0-79.

    integer :: Coord                	! Composite value of row and column.
    integer :: HandleForConsole     	! From GetStdHandle routine.

    include 'win32api.ins'          	! Routines.
    include 'win32prm.ins'          	! Constants.

    Coord = 65536 * Row + Col       	! Jam both values into 1 integer.
    HandleForConsole = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE)

    Call SetConsoleCursorPosition(HandleForConsole, Coord)    ! Go!
End Subroutine Locate

Page created:06/14/2013
Last modified:  06/14/2013