Microsoft Visual Basic Express 2010
This routine finds the Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient between two data series. You pass it two arrays of double-precision numbers, presumably of equal size, and the array size.
' Correl finds the correlation between two series of numbers. Function Correl(ByVal X() As Double, ByVal Y() As Double, _ ByVal Num As Integer) As Double Dim muX As Double, muY As Double Dim Sxx As Double, Sxy As Double, Syy As Double Dim sumX As Double, sumY As Double Dim sumX2 As Double, sumXY As Double, sumY2 As Double sumX = 0 sumY = 0 sumX2 = 0 sumY2 = 0 sumXY = 0 For L As Integer = 1 To Num sumX += X(L) sumY += Y(L) sumX2 += X(L) * X(L) sumY2 += Y(L) * Y(L) sumXY += X(L) * Y(L) Next L muX = sumX / Num muY = sumY / Num Sxx = sumX2 - Num * muX * muX Syy = sumY2 - Num * muY * muY Sxy = sumXY - Num * muX * muY Return Sxy / Sqrt(Sxx * Syy) End Function ' Correl
Page created: | 06/29/2013 |
Last modified: | 06/29/2013 |
Author: | BPL |