Fortran-95 routine to read a text file and write it to the screen

(c) 2017 by Barton Paul Levenson


Salford Fortran Personal Edition

Reading a text file and writing it to the screen is trivial in most programming languages. Not so in Fortran, which was invented to crunch numbers and still doesn't handle strings very well. But this routine accomplishes that task.

Note: You need to put the whole line in quotes to have Fortran read a line at a time. The routine then strips out the quotes before displaying.

! readAndWrite reads a text file and prints it to the screen.
subroutine readAndWrite(fName, maxLin, doUPause)
    use 	   fCursor
    use 	   MultiSciGlobals
    implicit       none
    character*(*), intent(in) :: fName
    integer,       intent(in) :: maxLin
    logical,       intent(in) :: doUPause
    integer        :: i, j
    character(45)  :: text

    call cls
    open (unit=inUnit, file='C:\MultiSci\'//fName)

    do i = 1, maxLin
	read  (inUnit, '(a)', end=10) text
	do j = 1, 45
            if (text(j:j) == '"') then
                write(text(j:j), '(a1)') ' '
            end if
        end do
        write (*, '(a)') text
    end do

10  close (inUnit)
    if (doUPause) then
      	call uPause
    end if
end subroutine readAndWrite

Page created:06/28/2017
Last modified:  06/28/2017